Mysterious Ocean

Discussing the evolution of
the ocean and the seafloor

Mysterious Ocean

This book provides an introduction to ocean sciences that is engaging, evocative and accessible to non-experts interested in marine geoscience, while sparking readers' interest in important unsolved mysteries in marine science. The scope of the book is quite broad, but focuses on the physical ocean and its geological evolution, including the author's experiences working as an oceanographer over the last thirty years.

Across ten chapters, the book traces the origins of the ocean from its formation 4 billion years ago, reviews the discoveries of the theory of plate tectonics, the ice ages and the great ocean conveyor, and discusses seafloor features (canyons, seamounts, trenches, abyssal plains, etc.), how they formed and their current environmental issues. The book concludes with a prognosis for the future ocean we might expect with global climate change and other human impacts.


Browse Peter's published work below.

See more on Google Scholar

Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat 2nd Edition GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats

Nov 2 2019, Elsevier

Mysterious Ocean

Jun 2019, Springer

Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat - GeoHAB Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats

Jan 2012, Elsevier

Benthic environments of the Lord Howe Rise submarine plateau

2011, nDeep Sea Research-II, 58, Introduction to the special volume, p. 883-888

Marine resources, biophysical processes, and environmental management of a tropical shelf seaway: Torres Strait, Australia

2008, Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 28 (16), Introduction pp 2113-2116

Recent investigations of the Mertz Polynya and George Vth Land continental margin, East Antarctica

May 2003, Deep Sea Research II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 50, Issues 8–9
Did you know...
We have more accurate maps of the surface of Mars and the Moon than of most of the ocean floor.
Edwin Charles
Did you know...
Antarctica’s ice sheet started to grow 40 million years ago when warm ocean currents stopped flowing there from Australia and South America.
Donna Flowers
Did you know...
There are over 10,000 large submarine canyons in the ocean and they have an average size that is greater than the Grand Canyon.
April Copeland
Did you know...
Over 90% of volcanic eruptions on earth occur underwater on the deep seafloor, unseen by humans.
Richard Kennedy

I have worked in the field of marine geology and science management for over 30 years and published over 100 scientific papers.

I taught marine geology at the University of Sydney and conducted research on UK estuaries, the Great Barrier Reef, the Fly River Delta (Papua New Guinea) and Antarctica. I worked for 20 years for Australia’s national geoscience agency as a scientist and manager.

In 2014 I was appointed Managing Director of GRID-Arendal, a UNEP collaborating centre. Apart from managing all of GRID-Arendal’s amazing activities, my interests include environmental science and mapping seafloor geomorphology to provide tools to manage the global ocean environment. I also enjoy sailing and playing the bagpipes.


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  • @PeterHarrisGRID